What is yoga?

According to my understanding and studies, Yoga is unión.

During our lives, this union between body, mind and spirit has been mostly forgotten, especially when following the Western society and its lifestyle.
Creating balance between these is the key for a good, healthy, and peaceful journey throughout the days of our lifetime.
When we are not in contact with our true self, we create compression, a constriction inside us, and, with time, this can become destructive to our being.
We become sick because most of the time we do not listen to ourselves. We are so busy with our minds and all the unnecessary things we buy or we do for “living”.
We prioritize actions against ourselves – we look for what we do not have instead of enjoining what life has already given us.
We believe that the next moment will be better and bring success, losing then the only fraction of time that exists, where we feel and are alive. The – NOW –

Following the teachings from Himalayan Sadhu and Guru, ancient yoga helps to re-find the center in our lives, to re-connect yourself.
Developing ourself through this ancient knowledge manifests spaciousness, clarity, and expansion within. As our internal space expands and clarifies, so does our external reality which becomes a journey: A beautiful movie to feel, rather than to watch.
Our lives become vibrant because we are living fully present in them, united in body, mind, and spirit.
As the practice of yoga begins opening our bodies, emotions and traumas stored within also release. We heal. We all are self-healer.
Utilizing our breath as an anchor, we’re able then to witness the mind and to maintain steadiness of it.

Yoga is also the union of practices, including:

• Yama & Niyama: Social ethics & Personal behavior
• Shatkarma Kriya: purification of the physical and mental body
• Asana: positions
• Pranayama: breathwork
• Pratyahara: control of the senses

It also includes various stages of meditation.

These practices are at the feet of the tree of yoga.
The deeper the practice is, the easier become to be open, to release, to be in balance, to clarify our path, and be happy in our lives.
Enjoying the gift and LIVE here in the present moment.

What do I teach:

Traditional Kundalini Yoga

Traditional Kundalini Yoga practice involves tantric techniques such as yantra visualization, mantra recitation, kriya breathing, dynamic movements, and mudras (sacred hand gestures), that allow the energy stored in our pelvis, to be released and consciously guided through the 7 energy centers present in our body called Chakra. This conscious flow of energy purifies, energizes, and deepens the connection with yourself, with other beings, and with the environment. Kundalini Yoga elevates and expands your consciousness to a higher level, besides it embodies the participant to a deeper state of presence and awareness of your own energy.

Traditional Himalayan Hatha Yoga

Traditional Himalayan Hatha Yoga is a unique class that includes the use of asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques. The sequence is built based on the energy of the participants, supporting one in deepening their connection with the body and expanding the bliss state through the flow of the breath, the asana movement, and the final stillness with different meditation techniques.

Pyramid Healing Movement Yoga ®

This unique practice has emerged through many years of practice, study, and experience with yoga, meditation, sound healing, and shamanic wisdom. Movement, rhythmic breathwork, and a weaving of ancient techniques from the Himalayas Yogi and Peruvian Shamans, will lead the practitioner to a supported reboot and reset of the body and the mind. Pyramid Healing Movement Yoga aims to guide one to their core essence, the “Self” or atma. Through anchoring our being to the Earth as well as expanding and opening the pathways in the body, we reconnect with Source and our life force begins flowing freely throughout our energetic centers. This practice helps us cultivate our most natural state of being: bliss.

“When you breath in, that means I am in you. When you do not, then you are in me”

Lord Shiva